

Some say that you should purchase the largest TV that fits your budget. However, what if a large電視像一個60英寸的野獸一樣,不適合你的臥室牆壁?那麼,一個60英寸的電視有多大,精確?


Continue reading to learn more about 60-inch TVs and how to calculate their dimensions.





But first, do you know what the TV’s aspect ratio is?

Aspect Ratio

A screen’s aspect ratio refers to the ratio between its width and height. So, for instance, if a TV screen has a 4:3 aspect ratio, it will measure 4 inches horizontally for every 3 inches vertically.


  • 4:3
  • 16:9
  • 21:9



The formulas used to calculate a TV’s height, width, and area are as follows:

  • H = D ÷ √(AR2 + 1)
  • W = AR × H
  • A = W × H


  1. H = D÷√(AR2 +1)
  2. H = 60 ÷ √(16:9)2 +1)
  3. H = 60÷√(3.16 + 1)
  4. H = 60÷√4.16
  5. H = 60÷2.04
  6. H = 29.41 inches (74.70 centimeters)

After figuring out the 60-inch TV’s height, we can calculate the width by using the Width formula.

  1. W = AR × H
  2. W = 16:9 × 29.41
  3. w = 1.78×29.41
  4. w = 52.28英寸(132.79厘米)


  1. A = W × H
  2. a = 52.28×29.41
  3. A = 1,537.55 square inches (9,914.41 square centimeters)

So, in short, a 60-inch TV with a 16:9 aspect ratio will measure 52.28 × 29.41 inches (132.79 × 74.70 centimeters) and take up a total of 1,537.55 square inches (9,914.41 square centimeters) on a wall.



Ideal Viewing Distance For 60-inch TVs

60-inch TV Viewing Distance

Now that we have the measurements of a 60-inch TV screen, the next thing we can do is to determine how far away you should be seated from the TV.


  • For Ultra HD (4K and beyond) TVs, the viewer should be seated 1.5 times the distance of the TV’s height(44.12 inches or 112.06 centimeters for a 60-inch TV)
  • 對於高清電視,觀眾應該坐在電視高度的距離的3倍(60英寸電視88.23英寸或224.10厘米)
  • 對於標準定義電視,觀眾應該坐在電視高度的距離的距離(60英寸電視)(176.46或448.21厘米)

This isn’t the only ideal viewing distance formula you can follow. According to健康狀況良好,電視的最佳觀看距離應為電視寬度的5倍。因此,使用早期的60英寸電視示例,您的沙發應放置在電視機上的至少261.4英寸(663.96厘米)。

Additional Notes






As for the TV’s mounting height, the center of the screen would ideally be at the same level as your viewing height while seated. A標準沙發座椅is around 18 inches, and in a seated position on a sofa, an average eye level for an adult is around 24 inches above the chair or sofa seat.它意味著坐著的平均眼睛水平為42英寸(18英寸加24英寸。)


在這種情況下,60英寸電視到安裝的地麵的平均高度為42“ - (29.4”÷2)= 27.3“(69.34cm)

Notice this is a suggested number for an average person. If you are taller or shorter than average, you can place the TV set shorter or taller or wherever you feel most comfortable viewing it.

What is the Best 60-inch Television Stand Height?

If you decide to use a TV stand instead of mounting the TV to the wall, the same guesstimate can be used.

Subtract half the height of the 60-inch TV (29.4″) from the average eye level (42 inches). Then subtract another 2 inches, which is the distance from the TV screen’s bottom to the TV legs.The final figure is 42″ – (29.4″ ÷ 2) – 2″ = 25.3″ (64.26 cm), or 2 feet 1 1/4 inches, which is the height of the TV stand you should get

Of course, you can get one or two inches longer or shorter than this.


一個好的經驗法則,一個較小的尺寸,you should get a small TV. If there is not enough space, consider mounting the TV to the wall.

In the case of a 60-inch TV, depending on the types of TVs (SD, HD, or 4K), the suggested viewing distance as discussed in the above section can vary from 44 to 176 inches (112 to 448 cm).


