
75-inch TV Dimension

You’re going to splurge on a brand-new TV and the 75-inch TV is on your to-buy list. But did you know that the 75 inches—only tells half the story? What are the height and length of a 75-inch TV and how much does it accommodate your space?

The dimensions of a 75-inch TV with a 16:9 aspect ratio will measure 65.35 × 36.76 inches (160.91 × 93.37 centimeters), taking up a total of 2,402.26 square inches (15,024.17 square centimeters) of space on a wall after mounting.


75 Inch TV Dimensions

How Large Is a 75-inch TV?

The marketed size of a TV—in this case, 75 inches—doesn’t explain everything you need to know about its dimensions. After all, the 75-inch (190.50-centimeter) figure only refers to the diagonal length of the display.



Aspect Ratio

任何帶有屏幕的電子設備 - 包括電視,監視器和智能手機 - 都會有一個以兩個數字表示的寬高比。縱橫比是顯示器寬度與高度的比率。






  • H = D÷√(AR2 + 1)
  • W = AR × H
  • a = w×h


  1. H = D÷√(AR2 +1)
  2. H = 75 ÷ √(16:9)2 +1)
  3. H = 75÷√(3.16 + 1)
  4. H = 75÷√4.16
  5. H = 75÷2.04
  6. H = 36.76英寸(93.37厘米)

After knowing the TV’s height, we can input it into the formula to calculate the width, which is as follows:

  1. W = AR × H
  2. W = 16:9 × 36.76
  3. w = 1.78×36.76
  4. w = 65.35英寸(160.91厘米)

Now that we know the height and width, the final step is to multiply the two together to get the total area.

  1. a = w×h
  2. a = 65.35×36.76英寸
  3. a = 2,402.26平方英寸(15,024.17平方米)

In short, the dimensions of a 75-inch TV that has a 16:9 aspect ratio are 65.35 × 36.76 inches (160.91 × 93.37 centimeters) and will cover 2,402.26 square inches (15,024.17 square centimeters) of a wall. Please note that these figures do not take into account the TV’s bezels.






Now that your TV is at home and still intact, the next natural thing to do is to determine how far away to mount the TV from your seating arrangement. We know—most of you guys probably only stick to what’s comfortable, and that’s actually completely fine. As long as you don’t strain your eyes, you can install it wherever you like.

As a good rule, to have an optimal distance, you can multiply the TVs’s height by 1.5 times, 3 times, and 6 times with the 4Ks and beyond TVs, HD TVs, and SD TVs respectively.數量是55.14英寸(4英尺7 1/8的公司hes), 110.28 inches (9 feet 2 1/4 inches), 220.56 inches (18 feet 4 1/2 inches) in the order given.


  • 對於4K和超過75英寸的電視,房間長度或寬度應至少為6英尺。
  • For HD 75-inch TVs, the room should be at least 9 feet 2 1/4 wide or long.



We already discussed how to find the exact height to place the TV in our 60-inch TV or 65-inch Tv guide. To determine the average TV mounting height on the wall, you can subtract half the TV height from the average eye level of an adult person when seated. Find the calculation below.

42“ - (36.76”÷2)= 23.62英寸(60厘米)

When using a TV stand, subtract another 2 to 3 inches of the TV leg height from the above figure to have the TV stand height.

23.62英寸 - 2英寸= 21.62英寸(54.91厘米)


If you bought a 75-inch TV at a brick-and-mortar retailer, can you stuff the TV inside your car, or will you have to pay for shipping?



The moving experts at搬運工聲明75英寸電視盒通常測量73×44×9英寸(185.42×111.76×22.86厘米)。

