Guide to ACL Board Dimensions


An ACL board is a type of board used when playing cornhole, also known as sack toss or bean bag toss. It is a game that was invented in America and is now a commonly played lawn game at fetes, festivals, and garden parties. It involves a board that is raised at one end to create a slanted playing surface, with a single hole toward the top end of the board.

Players must throw a bean bag at the board with the aim of getting it through the hole, though points can also be scored in other ways. Traditionally, the bean bags would be filled with dried corn kernels, which is where the name ‘cornhole’ comes from; however, modern materials such as plastic are now commonly used to achieve a more consistent weight between each bag.

A game of cornhole is played between two or four people. Each game will consist of two identical boards, also known as platforms, along with eight bean bags split into two sets. The bean bags in each set should be visually distinguishable from each other, usually made from different-colored fabric.

The American Cornhole League states that each beanbag should be made to measure 6 by 6 inches, with a weight of between 15.5 and 16.5 ounces, though these measurements are not strictly adhered to in casual games, such as those taking place at school fairs.

Each beanbag will commonly be made from two different kinds of fabric, with a rough fabric on one side and a smooth fabric on the other side. This means that users can throw the bags in different ways depending on whether they want the bag to slide on the board or grip it.

The aim of the game is to be the first player or team to reach 21 points. If you manage to get a beanbag through the hole on the board, you will receive 3 points, while any bag left remaining on the board at the end of the game will receive 1 point. In some versions of the game, 2 points will be given to a player if their bean bag is hanging through the hole but doesn’t fall, but this is not an official rule.

尺寸的尺寸cornhole boardare important because they can affect the difficulty level of the game. For official matches, the American Cornhole League (ACL) dictates the board sizes to ensure fair play. They also have regulations regarding the materials used and surface textures. Rules for ACL boards include:




The surface of the board should be smooth, ideally with a finishing coat of paint or lacquer applied so that the bags do not get caught on a rough surface. It is recommended that the board be painted in a color which contrasts the material of the bean bags, enabling the bean bags to stand out against the board after they have landed.




The dimensions of a board’s surface should be two feet in width and four feet in length.There is a tolerance of a quarter inch each way.板表麵上會有一個孔,其直徑應測量6英寸,具有八分之一的公差。

該孔需要在板的寬度上居中,孔的中間需要距離電路板頂部9英寸, with an eighth of an inch tolerance.




The board will be positioned at a diagonal angle so that the bottom edge of the board is close to the ground, and the top of the board is raised to create a downward slanting angle. The front edge of the board should be at least 2.5 inches off the ground but no more than 3.5 inches off the ground.

The top edge of the board should be raised at a measurement of 12 inches from the ground. This will ensure the correct angle is achieved for a fair game.
