

竹是一種代表性質的天然材料。用於室內設計時,它可以捕捉到戶外的本質。在現代家具中,您可以介紹bamboo decorationto add a special touch to your interiors. There are numerous ways you can style your home with bamboo. To make your task easier, take a look at our best bamboo decoration ideas with pictures.

12 Bamboo Decoration Ideas

1. Bamboo as a Room Divider



2. Bamboo as an Accent Wall

Bamboo as an Accent Wall

另一個選項來創建一個自然、清新look in your home is to use bamboo as a wall. This can be done by hanging a large bamboo panel down the ceiling as shown here. This accent wall is further enhanced by the shelving and decorative items mounted on the bamboo wall. The minimalist look of this wall works beautifully in any room of the house.

3. Decorative Bamboo Lamps


沒有陳述燈光,沒有房間完整!在獨特的竹燈籠的幫助下,將您的客房轉變為溫暖和溫馨的空間。這些燈是任何家庭裝飾的關鍵要素,但請確保仔細選擇您的燈。想想你想要掛在哪裏以及你在房間裏想要多少光線。竹燈給你家一個異國情調和寧靜的外觀 - 隻要你與竹家具匹配。

4. Bamboo Poles to Accessorize Your Space


Bamboo poles don’t necessarily have to stand in pots to accentuate a room. They can be strategically positioned in a corner of your room to add a tropical vibe in a calming and original way. Another way to highlight your bamboo decoration is to lean the freestanding poles against the wall for a serene effect. This is the most effortless decoration idea that anyone can implement using bamboo poles. If you have high ceilings, you can even use these poles on your ceiling or set them against other bamboo furniture pieces like cabinets or drawers. These tall decoration items are the perfect way to accessorize your space and create an exotic look.


Bamboo Framed Mirror

A centrally placed statement mirror made from bamboo framing will instantly draw attention. In fact, it’ll be hard to look away with such a unique looking mirror. Half-round bamboo poles or slats can easily be made into frames so all that’s needed is a round mirror in the middle. Hanging such mirrors on the wall of your living room is a natural way to attract attention to the artist’s work. Frames of various heights with segmented bamboo and wood work very well as the two materials have similar appearance. As an alternative to bamboo framed mirrors, you can always opt for a raised canvas painting with simple bamboo frames or slats. Paint the frames a dark color to create contrast with your lights.

6. Bamboo Bed and Matching Headboard

Bamboo Bed and Matching Headboard

你的臥室大入口,為什麼不highlight your bed with bamboo. For example, you can choose a bamboo bed to give your bedroom a stylish and unique look as shown in this example. Here the bamboo bed is complemented by the bamboo lighting and matching plant pots. This is a great way of bringing extra depth by decorating your bedroom with bamboo. The headboard of this comfortable bed is light and sturdy, but what makes this bamboo decorated bedroom stand out is the dark wall that serves as a backdrop. There is something luxurious about light-color bamboo in this classic bedroom.



家具made from bamboo isn’t just for enjoying the outdoors in your garden or patio. This is a great alternative to wood as you can create a tropical theme in your indoor living spaces. In addition to your bamboo poles and wall treatment, introduce comfortable bamboo furniture to accessorize your interior areas. A complete set of bamboo seating will provide an attractive look, especially in coastal or tropical themed rooms.There are many different bamboo furniture styles that suit indoors, with some featuring slatted surfaces that are smooth and shiny. A bamboo coffee table, for example, is an original addition to living rooms. Whether you choose a square or round bamboo table, you’ll also need matching side tables to provide refreshments or place your reading materials on.

8. Bamboo Shelves

Bamboo Shelves

竹架是實用又時尚的。無論你在這些貨架上的哪個地方,你都會毫無疑問地利用他們的空間。您可以將竹子貨架放在任何您想要裝飾的臥室,廚房或浴室。竹架提供充足的儲存,材料堅固足以容納大多數物品的重量 - 隻要您專注地掛在牆上的架子上。


Indoor Bamboo Plants

建立一個寧靜和平靜的環境,選擇室內竹植物的新鮮度。如果您進入Zen Gardens,您就不必通過將竹樹在外麵留下來限製您的選擇。在安排在盆中時,竹植物將在放置的任何室內空間中發出舒適感。竹植物不需要大量維護,是小型室內花園的理想選擇。

10. Bamboo Rug



11. Bamboo Framed Prints


Bring some grace into your interiors with a gallery wall of bamboo framed prints. These beautiful decorative pieces come in all shapes and sizes. As an alternative to the traditional wooden picture frames, you can create a real twist with large bamboo frames. This material is lightweight so you can display as many framed pictures as you like on the mantelpiece, the wall or side tables.





It’s Eco-Friendly


Simple to Maintain

Bamboo is an easy material to maintain. Depending on the condition it is kept in, you can easily take care of your bamboo decorations by applying a coat of sealant. This will prevent your bamboo item from fading and weather damage, but you will need to apply the sealant once a year if you are going to keep the item outdoors. Sealing the bamboo will also prevent signs of wear and tear and keep the item in its original state.

Highly Versatile

Since bamboo is a fast growing plant, it is both strong and inexpensive. In fact, it is one of the strongest natural materials around. This plant has many beneficial qualities and has been used in Asian countries for thousands of years to make flooring, shutters and furniture. Western countries are also realizing the true benefits of bamboo and value its strength. Using this exotic material in your home is a sustainable option that helps combat deforestation – not to mention giving a vibrant and personal touch to your spaces.



