躺椅尺寸是多少?(5 Drawings Included)


A chaise lounge is a wonderfully comfortable chair that can be used indoors or outdoors when you want to relax or take a mid-day nap. What sets chaises apart fromcouches或扶手椅是他們的傾斜背。在某些情況下(通常使用戶外躺椅),可以根據您的偏好進行調整。躺椅椅往往低於地麵,非常適合放鬆,因為它們支持你的整個身體。

Looking for one for your indoor or outdoor space? Here are the straightforward dimensions.

A chaise lounge has a length ranging from 73 to 80 inches, 25 – 30 inches wide, and 35 – 40 inches overall height. For the seat size, this makes up more than half of its length at 42 – 48 inches. Depending on whether it is an outdoor or indoor chaise lounge, the seat height varies at 11 to 13 inches and 15 to 18 inches respectively.




現代躺椅椅我們今天知道在16世紀在法國出現,而富裕的椅子作為坐在臥室坐在臥室的臥室使用。的確,這個詞“貴妃” is French for “椅子。“隨著時間的推移,家具件的第二部分 - “longue“ - 被改變為英語”lounge。“There were three prominent styles of early French chaises. The Duchesse brisée, or “broken duchess,” was a chaise lounge that could be split into two or three sections and used as a separate chair and footstool. The Recamier was a chaise lounge design that was high at the head and feet, with no back support along the length of the seating area. The Méridienne was high at the head, with partial back support along one of the chaise’s long lengths.





另一方麵,室內混沌可以設計為舒適地坐著兩個人,因為有些人沿著座位區域的整個長度延伸。像一個sofa and couch,它們通常由柔軟和舒適的材料製成,如泡沫,向下,羽毛,織物。扶手位於椅子的腳端,斜倚椅背。隨著室內躺椅,您可以選擇在普通椅子或休息室時坐在它上麵。室內圍場以各種傳統或現代風格提供,並且有許多設計可以匹配您的家庭的美學。他們經常像細長的緩衝椅子,經典風格有四個可見的椅子腿。室內混沌可以是多功能的,座位區域打開,包括下麵的存儲空間。



躺椅椅子總長度在73到80英寸之間。This is long enough for an even above-average person to stretch out comfortably. So if you have an adjustable reclining back, you can lay it down flat, and the chaise becomes an ideal daybed or sunbed.

Chaise lounges are25 to 30 inches wide,它為一個人提供了充足的空間,讓他們的手臂放鬆在躺椅的座位或扶手上。

躺椅的最高部分是傾斜的背部支撐,讓椅子整體高度between 35 and 40 inches。The chaise doesn’t only prop up your back but is also a place to put your head. Some chaise lounges even have small pillows which are separate or built into the design so you can rest your head against it or use it as extra support for your neck.


The seat of a chaise lounge makes up just over half of its length and is the part of the chair where you stretch out your legs. The seating area has a length of42 to 48 inches

Outdoor Chaise Lounge Seat Size

Outdoor Chaise Lounge Seat Size

The seat height is different on indoor and outdoor chaise lounge chairs. Even when they are cushioned, outdoor loungers don’t usually have a thickly cushioned seating area. In some cases, the seat is simply made from woven synthetic or natural fabric pulled tightly across the chair’s width. Outdoor chaise lounge seats are about高11至13英寸高

Indoor Chaise Lounge Seat Size

Indoor Chaise Lounge Seat Size

On the other hand, indoor chaise loungers have a higher seat height of between15到18英寸因為它們具有更厚的泡沫緩衝。這為這些日間小睡提供額外的支持和舒適。

Placement & Clearance of a Chaise Lounge

Now that you know the dimensions of a chaise lounge chair, you can decide if you have enough space for one (or more) as indoor or outdoor furniture.



由於更少的空間限製,多個躺椅瞧ungers are usually used in outdoor areas, where they can be positioned along the entire perimeter of a pool or overlooking a beautiful view over a balcony. However, you want to ensure that the chairs are adequately spaced out, so each person has some personal space. Ideally, you should leave每個室外躺椅之間大約兩英尺。



在室內, you’re more likely to have a single chaise in the living room as they are used more as an accessory to complement other furniture pieces or when extra bedding is required. Sometimes, indoor chaises are simply bought to fill an empty corner in the sitting room or bedroom. So you’ll only need to think about leaving enough space to walk around and maintain a balance between your furniture pieces.大約30英寸應該足夠。



