

Crown molding is the decorative feature you will notice around the upper edge of walls in a room, which covers the joint between wall and ceiling. This is a great addition to rooms if you want to create a feeling of grandeur, luxury, and architectural elegance.

The size of crown molding you should use in a room willdepend on the height of the walls, and the totalroom size, along with the atmosphere you want to generate in that room


在這裏,我們將在各種房間中查看適當的皇冠成型different ceiling heights幫助您實現平衡和合適的比例。


  • 對於高度為8英寸的天花板高度,皇冠成型尺寸在2.5和6之間。
  • 對於高度為8至9英寸的天花板,冠成型的尺寸應為3英寸至7.5英寸
  • 對於10英寸且高於高度的天花板,皇冠成型尺寸應分別為一間休閑室的4-24英寸,並分別為正式房間為7.5至24英寸。

You can also find a great diagram here that sums up the most important details about crown molding sizes.


Eight Foot Ceilings

The standard ceiling height in most residential properties is eight feet. If your room has a ceiling height of eight feet or less, then you will want to install a narrow crown molding so that it remains in proportion with the height of the walls. The size range for crown molding on walls of eight feet high is兩個半英寸到六英寸。


Nine Foot Ceilings



The reverse would be true if the ceiling measured closer to ten feet. In that case, round up to ten feet and stick to the lower end of the width range recommended for that ceiling height.

Ten Foot Ceilings


For informal spaces with very tall ceilings, the crown molding should be a minimum of four inches, while for more formal rooms, it would need to be at least nine inches wide to make an impact. In a room where you really want to make a dramatic statement of opulence and splendor, for example, in a ballroom or formal living room, then crown molding and picture molding are used together to create a maximum width of 24 inches would be appropriate.

Why You Should Have Crown Molding

Crown molding comes in various profiles, from elaborately detailed designs to plain or flat designs. The style you choose should be in keeping with the interior decor style of your room and the overall style of your property. Traditional homes or houses with an old, antique style will be best suited to more ornate profiles, while more modern homes look best with simple crown molding. Some minimalist-style homes may prefer not to have crown molding at all.

定製的皇冠造型可以匹配原始crown molding, which exists in other rooms in your home if you want to restore your property to its former glory. This type of crown molding will be made from plaster. Standard crown molding, which you can buy in lengths from DIY stores, will be made from solid wood, fiberboard, or polyurethane. It can be nailed or glued to the wall and ceiling and painted in a color of your choice.

The benefit of crown molding is that it adds architectural style to a room and can adjust the entire tone of the space. Crown molding also offers a practical solution to hide the joins between a wall and ceiling. If you have a white ceiling and have painted your walls in a bright or dark color, then it is likely you have some imperfections around the ceiling where your paintbrush smeared paint where it wasn’t supposed to go, or paint seeped through your decorator’s tape.

