5 Best Feng Shui Colors for the Front Door

Feng Shui Colors for the Front Door

中國古代的風水藝術仍然highly popular in this age of smartphones and electric cars. Literally translated to “the way of wind and water,” Feng Shui originated from Taoism. Yet, it is widely followed not just in China but even in Western cultures.


You may likely have been reading around, trying to know more about feng shui. And perhaps you’ve learned that thefront dooris one of the more important areas of the house, according to this ancient Chinese art. In fact, the front door is called the “mouth of qi” in feng shui.

“Qi” is considered the universal life force energy, and it is the front door where this energy goes through. Along with the bedroom and the kitchen, the front door is one of the three important factors in creating good feng shui at home.

You may have also considered changing the paint color of the front door to change your feng shui. Which color is the most recommended for the front door? Continue reading to know the answer.



Red is considered the primary or most idealfeng shui color。它與運氣良好,積極的能量,活動和保護有關。你可能不知道,但紅色是中國人喜歡的顏色,因為他們認為它帶來了良好的財富和幸福。

畫ing yourfront door with red colorcan bring a lot of benefits to your home. According to feng shui experts, red is the color of love. It’s also the color of the blood. It represents emotions such as enthusiasm. And it is also the color of fire, which is hot to the touch.



Red is also a color that can help you better express yourself, bring greater visibility not only to your personality but also to your accomplishments.







Feng shui experts say that orange is a variation of red, which is a fire element color. And when it is used around the home, it can invigorate chi energy which powers all living organisms.






There’s no denying that turquoise has a calming and uplifting effect on people’s moods. This is one reason why you should consider it for the color of your front door. It is also a good choice for rooms for children and teenagers. It can even prove to be beneficial when used as the primary color of a home office, living room, and family room.

Turquoise is particularly best used for a front door facing the north because it is believed to attract positive feng shui energy. It can make your front door welcoming and attractive. Feng shui experts also advise that you opt for a diamond-shaped design on the front door to activate the fire feng shui element or power.




Yellow is similar to orange as it is also thought of as an uplifting and energizing color in feng shui. It is also known to attract harmony in relationships, good health, and even good fortunes. It would be wise to paint your door in this color.



Yellow is one of the best colors for a front door that’s facing northeast, although you can also use this color if your door is facing southwest. Earth is the harmonizing element for the northeast, so yellow along with other earthen shades like brown and clay are highly recommended for northeast-facing doors. You may also add a shade of red or orange to ayellow-painted front door




Last but not least is green, which represents wood energy in ancient Chinese art. According to feng shui experts, green encourages kindness and flexibility. It can also bring energy to your home and uplift the mood of those living with you.

This color is also related to growth. Therefore, if you want to attract energy to help your business grow or expand, you may want to paint your front door with the color green. It is also believed that green can help you win new friends because of the positive energy it attracts and because it is associated with new beginnings.



The front door is the main entryway of our homes. In feng shui, it is also the portal in which the family’s fortune and luck enter. Therefore, you should not ignore the front door if you believe in feng shui.

