如何清潔瑪瑙淋浴 - 我們最好的提示




Prepare the Shower

This is a no-brainer, but some people tend to leave shampoo bottles, combs, razors, and other items lying around, which gets in the way of cleaning up. To smoothen the process, you may steam the entire shower by running hot water in for a couple of minutes, which will loosen the hard water stains and grime on the walls and floor.



Cleaning products are a big industry with multiple products on the market, each claiming superiority over the other. Onyx may be a hard stone, but it is very sensitive; therefore, the majority of these commercial soaps damage it. If you can’t choose the right cleaners for your shower, then go for white vinegar, which is approved by most manufacturers. You will not go wrong with a good-old 50-50 mixture of water and vinegar.


如果它是一個十幾歲的男孩的浴室 - 最可怕的清潔,那麼也許還有一段時間應該給出。將此解決方案留出長達2小時,在混合中添加柔軟的清潔劑將有助於從形成白色條紋的那些頑固標記中。淋浴門可以用相同的溶液擦拭。



Since onyx is precious, manufacturers advise against using highly abrasive cleaners that would typically be used on tile. These cleaners harm the material over time, thus limiting their durability, plus it loses its shine, making your bathroom dull and uninviting. PH neutral stone cleaning products are recommended for cleaning this stone, and also, the cloth used to wipe down the shower should be non-erosive.






Squeegee for Daily Shine


Advantages Onyx Has Over Tile Showers

These easy cleaning methods may have amazed you, making you reconsider installing tile in your bathroom or visit the idea of remodeling the showers in your house from tile to onyx. If this is the case, the information below highlights the upper hand onyx has over traditional tile, easing your decision to make the switch up.




Installation of tiles takes a mighty long time. This includes putting up a heavy cement board underlayment, cutting the tiles, placing the tile onto the wall, and applying the grout. Whereas with an onyx application, all that is needed is a dry moisture-resistant wall, where adhesive is applied, and the solid stone is hanged up and sealed. You can even apply this in your shower by yourself if you are a DIY master.

Saves on Time

To some people, there aren’t enough hours in a day. Imagine getting the kids ready for school, dropping them off, getting to work on time, all the while running errands and tidying up the house. This will make anyone value their time that much more. Consequently, cleaning the bathroom should be eased to complete the process in a limited time. This is onyx’s most selling feature because cleaning out the dirt in grout involves hour-long sessions, consuming time you don’t have.

Relatively Cheaper Option than Tiles



Grout joints absorb moisture and can leave a wet and spongy shower wall that will eventually need to be reinstated. That’s more money coming out of your pockets that you didn’t plan for. This is not an issue with onyx since it’s a solid stone that is secured on the wall without spaces for moisture to infiltrate.

Perfect for Moving Bathrooms




Where Else Can You Use Onyx in the House?

Though onyx is not as popular as granite or tile, it is becoming a new favorite alternative for kitchen countertops. While this glossy countertop is appealing to the eye, it needs a lot of care to maintain its charm. You can’t spill drinks such as coffee, red wine, and lemon on these countertops. The porous nature of this stone will absorb it right away, making it a nightmare to wash out. They also need to be sealed every 1-3 years to maintain their shine, and also emphasis is needed in choosing the right sealer because picking up any sealer, probably meant for granite, will destroy it.


With all the information summed up in this article, you should be able to care for your onyx shower correctly. For those without onyx showers, this guide should enlighten your choice to apply the stone in your new house or add the feature to your house’s remodel plans.
