How to Remove Yellow Stains From White Sheets


No one likes sleeping on yellow, stained white sheets. If you’ve just taken your white cotton sheets out of the wash only to discover they still have those unsightly sweat stains on them, then you’ll be wanting to know how to get those unwelcome yellow stains out of your bedding immediately.

在本文中,我們將會揭開the most common causes ofyellow sweat stains on white sheets並提出最有效的方法來消除這些汙漬,並將它們從床單中保持良好。

What Causes Yellow Stains on Sheets


How to Remove Yellow Stains from White Sheets



  1. Fill your bathroom sink or tub with hot water. You may alternatively use a bucket or any other large container for your sheets. Just make sure the container is large enough to completely cover the sheets.
  2. 現在將一勺Borax添加到熱水中。硼砂是一種用於美白衣物的白色粉末狀礦物質。請務必閱讀盒子上的說明,以精確測量,並在攪拌水中攪拌此產品時始終戴手套。為了進一步提高硼砂的影響,每張洗滌1杯白醋。該解決方案將從紙張中除去任何氣味。
  3. 確保紙張完全浸入熱水中。用手按下水下的床單。如果您的桶對幾張床單不夠大,則必須將其餘部分放入盆地或浴缸中。
  4. Leave the sheets to soak for at least 1 hour or ideally overnight. If the yellow stains are severe, it’s best to leave the sheets overnight.
  5. The next day, wring the sheets over the sink or bathtub to get rid of as much water as you can.
  6. Now wash the sheets in the washing machine using your regular laundry detergent. Make sure you read the washing instructions of your sheets before selecting the appropriate wash cycle.
  7. 洗完紙張後,將它們幹燥在懸掛線上或滾筒幹燥器中。雖然懸掛線需要更長時間才能幹燥床單,但它是幹燥它們的最有效方式,而無需在織物纖維中設置任何剩餘的汙漬。畢竟,太陽自然會減輕白紙。另一方麵,烘幹機可能不是一個偉大的主意,因為它可以使汙漬更加難以在將來移除。

Method 2: Good Old Lemons


Lemons are natural bleaching agents thanks to their highly acidic juice. All you need is water, a large pot and a few slices of lemon.

  1. 削減3或4個檸檬,(你可以像你一樣使用盡可能多的檸檬!)
  2. 用水填充一個大鍋,加入所有檸檬片。
  3. 將混合物煮沸。
  4. 現在關閉爐灶,用金屬鉗輕輕地將紙張放入熱水中。
  5. Leave the sheet in the concoction for at least 20 minutes.
  6. Lastly, empty the pot and wash the sheet in the washing machine using your normal detergent.

Method 3: Liquid Bluing

Liquid Bluing


Most liquid bluing products require one teaspoon mixed with 1 quart of water. This solution is then poured over the sheet together with a regular detergent. If you’re using a rinse cycle, use less than one teaspoon of the liquid bluing in the same amount of water.

Caution: avoid pouring this product into your washing machine’s automatic dispenser. It may stain the drum. The product should also not be used with fabric softeners, bleach, and other laundry products as it may cause a reaction and cause staining. Liquid bluing is, however, safe with laundry detergent.

How to Prevent Yellow Sweat Stains on Sheets

How to Prevent Yellow Sweat Stains on Sheets


Wash Your Sheets Often

Showering before bedtime isn’t going to stop your body from leaving dead skin cells or sweat in your bed. The accumulated moisture and oil can attract dust mites, mold, or fungi to your mattress, thus causing sore throat, a runny nose, breathing difficulties, and even allergic symptoms.

To avoid all these problems, it’s best to wash your bed sheets frequently. As a rule of thumb, wash them once a week, and twice if they are white. Washing your white sheets every 3 days or so will keep them sparkling white for longer.

If your washing machine has the option of an extra rinse cycle, use it to remove any residue detergent from the sheets. This buildup will end up on your sheets and make them look discolored. You must also be selective when buying detergents and ensure you don’t use too much of them. Always follow the instructions on the laundry detergent’s box in order to determine just how much you need for washing your bedsheets.


雖然織物軟化劑可以讓你的床單感覺年代ofter and smell good, they don’t rinse well in the washing machine. As a result, your sheets will end up with chemical buildup. Instead of using fabric softeners, opt for vinegar as a natural solution. Add half a cup of distilled white vinegar directly to the tray of your washing machine. This is an excellent way of whitening (and softening) your sheets naturally.


White sheets should never be washed with colored fabrics as there is the risk of fabric dyes bleeding onto the white sheets. Always keep your white bedding accessories separate from other colors during washing.

Wash Your Face Before Bedtime

Our skins absorb lots of germs throughout the day. Always wash your face before bedtime to avoid transferring pollutants, makeup, dust or dirt to your sheets. This will prevent your bed sheets from yellowing or staining.

Don’t Eat in Bed



Does baking soda remove yellow sweat stains from sheets?


Can bleach turn yellow sheets white?

Bleach is known for whitening just about anything. But if your sheets are colored, using bleach won’t be a good idea. This product contains chlorine, which is a chemical that reacts with our body sweat, thus causing yellow spots on sheets. To use bleach correctly, first, wash your white sheets using regular laundry detergent before adding half a cup of bleach to the wash cycle.




White cotton sheets can lose their original appearance after a few months of use. Any of our suggested methods will prolong your bedsheets’ lifespan by removing their yellow stains or patches. For best results, remember to wash your sheets regularly to keep them looking as good as new. With proper washing and whitening, your bedsheets can last as long as 5 years or more depending on their fabric quality.

How to Remove Yellow Stains From White Sheets
