如何在金屬上使用rum n buff來再次發光

如何在金屬上使用rum n buff來再次發光

Have you ever wanted to give your metal objects a refreshed appearance or create the look of shiny metal? Well, now you can with the help of Rub N Buff, a popular tried-and-tested waxy substance.

Learn如何在金屬上使用rum n buff現在閱讀這篇文章。


Rub N Buff or RNB is a simple to use metallic wax that gives metal a buffered look. This waxy substance sticks to the surface of the object and is fairly durable. When it wears away, simply reapply without hassle.


What makes this product special is its range of 12 colors. You can transform any piece of hardware, furniture, or decorative item to the color and metallic finish of your choice. The beauty of this product is that it can be used on almost any surface, such as glass, plastic, wood, ceramics, and painted surfaces. It is also ideal for use on metal items with ornate detailing.

From doorknobs and wardrobe handles to anything with a carved design, Rub N Buff will make the item look shiny as though you just bought it new.


Although Rub N Buff is considered to be long-lasting, it is not considered to be permanent. The removal process does take quite a lot of physical effort not to mention the amount of time required to do the task. If you accidentally spill the substance on your clothing or carpet, don’t panic as all you need is some dishwasher soap to remove the product.

現在你已經了解了更多關於RUB NUFF的信息,讓我們解釋如何在金屬上應用這種物質。

如何在金屬上使用rum n buff

Before you begin applying RNB to any metal surface, make sure the item is free of dirt or oil. Clean the surface with some rubbing alcohol before lightly sanding the metal surface. This will ensure the best adhesion.

Now you’re ready to choose your color. Our personal favorite is antique white and silver leaf. There are in total 12 colors to select from. These are:

  • Antique gold
  • 金葉子
  • Grecian gold
  • Autumn gold
  • 歐洲黃金
  • Antique white
  • pe
  • Silver leaf
  • 紅寶石
  • Ebony
  • Patina
  • 西班牙銅

Once you’ve decided on the color you want to buff your metal item, you’re ready to move on to the next step. Using your finger, apply the substance onto the metal surface. If you don’t feel comfortable using your finger to apply the wax paste, cover your finger with a soft cloth or wear latex gloves and squeeze the paste onto the gloved finger. Since the wax paste may stain your finger, we recommend you either wear gloves or wash your hands with the mineral spirit or dishwashing soap.

Use your finger to gently apply the wax paste in a circular rubbing fashion on the metal item. Use a soft cloth to buff more shine in circular motions. To achieve the desired color, you may need to apply multiple layers of the paste.

Drying Time




如果您仍然不確定如何在金屬上使用此蠟質物質,請查看此視頻演示,顯示如何在金屬對象上使用rum n buff:

rub n buff的用途是什麼?

RUB N BUFF有許多用於升級或更新硬件的用途。您可以使用此產品更改的項目或曲麵包括:

  • Light fixtures
  • Curtain rods
  • Mirror frames
  • 門鎖,把手和鉸鏈
  • Faucets
  • Wardrobe handles
  • Vases
  • 金屬家具
  • 珠寶
  • Flower pots
  • And much more!

Can Rub N Buff be Used Over Paint?


Can You Paint Over Rub N Buff?

Yes, it will. This waxy paste is permanent with long-staying power. It will work not just on any metal surface, but also on ceramic, glass, wood, brass and many more. If your metal item has been scratched with another hard surface, it can easily get renewed using Rub N Buff. For even better adhesion, use a sanding block to scuff up the surface.

Does Rub N Buff Work on Any Metal Surface?

Yes, you can paint over RNB. Use either traditional paint or spray paint. Make sure you lightly sand the surface with an abrasive block so that the paint adheres better after applying the Rub N Buff paste. Wait for at least 45 minutes for the paste to dry before painting over it. This will give the surface a smooth finish.
