Guide to Lap Pool Dimensions (with Drawings)

Lap pools have emerged as a popular alternative to regular swimming pools, especially as people look for more ways to maximize their private gardens and introduce a greater variety of personal exercise into their routines.






LAP池也可以是L形,以包含用戶可以訪問池的步驟區域。與常規遊泳池相比,Lap Pools更緊湊,使人們可以為人們建造和享受自己的財產。較小的尺寸也使它們更實惠,因為它們需要更少的挖掘,較少的建築材料以及更少的安裝時間。

Lap Pools的另一個好處是它們需要較低的水量來填充,這將降低維護成本,特別是如果您的膝蓋池在較冷的月份被加熱。

Lap Pools Sizes

Lap Pools Sizes

Lap Pools沒有標準尺寸,而是可以定製以適應花園的形狀和尺寸。您可以找到將作為實心模具的預製池殼,可以沉入地麵,在這種情況下,您需要為膝蓋池選擇預定的大小。

You can also get a modular lap pool kit which you can build in situ with panels, and again this will ordinarily come in a variety of predetermined sizes, though it may be flexible with regard to shape and dimensions. Another option is to use poured concrete to build an in-ground pool, which will allow you to completely personalize the size and shape of your lap pool.



Lap Pools應該至少長30到40英尺長的原因是該測量提供了足夠長的空間,以遊泳圈,而無需過於頻繁。頻繁轉動中斷遊泳流動,使運動不那麼愉快,更值得。


For most swimmers, the longer the pool is, the better. Longer pools will allow the swimmer to work on endurance and speed and give them more uninterrupted stroke time without having to turn. If you have adequate space, you may want to build a lap pool at the longest length your garden will allow, but bear in mind that the longer the pool is, the more expensive it is going to be to build.


你可能會假定一個遊泳池的寬度是unimportant because as long as it allows enough space for a swimmer to spread their arms in breaststroke without hitting the walls, then it will be suitable. However, this is a common misconception. The width of the pool will have an effect on the swimmer because it will alter the level of difficulty.






The deeper the pool is, the more it will cost to excavate, so to minimize costs, you can designate a diving end of the pool which is deeper than the opposite end. In competitive pools, a minimum depth of 6 and half feet is required, with the ideal depth being somewhere closer to ten feet.
