標準床頭架尺寸with Drawings

Nightstand Dimensions

無論一個人感覺無關緊要;我們很少有人喜歡在我們已經把自己藏在夜晚之後起床。因此,任何正確裝備的臥室都必須包括握住眼鏡,智能手機,A / C遙控器的地方,甚至是小型閱讀燈。

So now it’s time to take a good look at the kind of bedroom we want to have, and exactly what we can fit in it. Below, you will find some useful pointers about nightstands, the available sizes, and tips to buy the right kind from the start.

What Exactly Is a Nightstand?

What Exactly Is a Nightstand?


  • 夜表
  • Bedside tables
  • 臥室末端桌子
  • 床邊抽屜

Either way, we are talking about a small table, which may include a small drawer or shelf, which is usually placed to one or both sides of a bed. If you are fond of repurposing old furniture or of scouting for vintage pieces, keep in mind that some stool models, as well as most small cupboards and coffee tables, can all take the place of a nightstand.





標準床攤是高度24到28英寸之間, as this is meant to match most bed models. As for the table itself, expect most square nightstands to be靠近20英寸×20英寸– give or take an inch or two.


How to Pick the Right Nightstand Dimension


Nightstand dimensions according to room size

Often, when we are dealing with a very small apartment, or we are trying to make the most out of a small, spare bedroom, it is easy to fall into the “fear of the void” mistake. This means trying to fill almost every available inch of floor space with a piece of furniture, rug, or some other accent.


  • 至少,確保床頭櫃的背麵和它後麵的牆之間有一英寸的空間。這將讓您通過任何小燈或手機充電器的布線。
  • 雖然你想要在沒有離開床的情況下能夠在你的床頭櫃上到達所有東西,但你仍然應該在它們之間留下至少兩英寸的空間。
  • If your bed has a headboard, and it is the same color as the nightstand, then the end of the headboard can touch the nightstand
  • If your room is not carpeted, but you have a rug under your bed, keep the end of the rug away from the front of the nightstand. Otherwise, it will be uneven, and any object on it may fall.


Ergonomics, that is, your bodily comfort when using a specific object, is probably the most relevant factor when you are choosing the nightstand’s height.


如果你有一個platform bed or a tall four-poster bed, then try to ensure your nightstand is between 3 to 5 inches shorter than the top of your bed. This will let you grab anything quickly, but it won’t be too low that you would have to bend over if you are standing up.



床位尺寸根據人體工程學for low beds


When we are judging the esthetic appeal of a bedroom, we want to make sure that the “set” created by the bed, the nightstand, and any nearby cabinets are pleasing and well-balanced.

If you have a Queen or King-sized bed, you will most likely want to have two nightstands, one on each side of the bed. In such cases, your best bet at a harmonious look will be to aim for symmetry. When attempting to do this, follow the rule of thirds: try to keep the total width of both nightstands to be about a third of the total width of the bed.






Further Reading:
