Parts of a Door Lock (2 Diagrams For Cylinder Lock & Padlock)

Parts of a door lock







Diagram of Cylindrical Lock Parts


The cylinder of a lock is the part that contains the locking mechanism. It is the main body of the lock and is therefore sometimes referred to as the ‘lock body. Cylinders are spring-loaded with a series of pins that will not turn unless they are pushed in the right direction and pattern by the correct key. When you insert a key into a keyhole, it will be going inside the cylinder, and the ridges on the key will come into contact with the spring-loaded pins.



螺栓protrude from the door and engage with the doorframe when the cylinder is in a locked position and recede when the cylinder is unlocked. This is what prevents or allows a door to be opened. There are various types of bolts used for door locks. The most common types of bolts include:



This is a good time saver when you’re in a rush to leave the house and also provides peace of mind if you’re the type of person who worries that they forgot to lock the door on their way out. However, this type of lock also has its drawbacks, as it can be easy to lock yourself out of the house with the key still inside the property. This might happen if you pop out to collect your mail or put the garbage outside, and a few seconds later, you find that the breeze has slammed your door shut and the spring bolt has locked you out. People with these types of locks often keep spare keys in a lockbox outside their property to ensure they can access their home in the event of this situation.



A deadbolt, or dead bolt, does not use a spring system and can only be locked or unlocked with the use of the key from either side of the door. Deadbolts tend to be considered more secure than spring bolts because the bolt cannot be forced back inside the lock without the correct key, which makes them more reliable against intruders.


A barrel bolt has one long metal cylinder in a horizontal position which can be guided by a thumb push to lock or unlock the door. The bolt will engage with a matching metal cavity on the door frame when locked and be drawn back into the faceplate when unlocked. These types of bolts are common on internal doors such as bathrooms but are not ideal for external doors as they can easily break if someone tries to kick the door down. However, some people add barrel bolts to their external doors as an additional means of security on top of a deadbolt or spring bolt.

Hinge Bolt



These locks are common on sliding doors. They use a spring bolt on a pivot with a hook-shaped head.




The keyway is the slot where you would insert your key, pushing it through to the cylinder of the lock.


The rotor sits inside the cylinder of the lock and is turned when the correct key is inserted to release the bolt.


The cotter pin is what enables the rotor to turn when the correct key is inserted into the lock. It is a piece of metal that is put under pressure from a spring and will align with the grooves in a key to form a correct pattern for the release of the bolt.




This is an additional part of a cylinder lock that interacts with the rotor, enabling it to turn when the correct grooves are aligned with a key.


修剪是突出的金屬板door and contains the keyway. It is usually fitted underneath the doorknob or handle. This is not a feature of all types of locks, but it is common on cylinder locks. The trim is also known as the ‘rose’, or might be given a particular name in certain shapes, for example, a circular type of trim on a door lock will be called a ‘ring’. There are many types of trim available to match the style of the property.

Face Plate




Handle or Knob




A padlock can be added to a door lock but is usually not used alone on residential properties. It is commonly used to lock sheds, garages, gates, or commercial buildings. A padlock is a removable device with a slot that is inserted through a loop and secured into place. It can be locked with a key or with a combination lock. Padlocks are not considered very secure because if somebody wants to remove a padlock, they could do so relatively easily with a bolt cutter.

You can discover the major parts of a padlock via this diagram.
