

Portable hand drills are not usually considered very hard to use. For the most part, they are designed for anyone to be able to charge them, press the trigger, and start working – and they even come with an extra guide teaching you which nail is the most appropriate for each purpose.


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So what happened here? Do you know how to check if anything moved out of place? How well do you understand the way your drill works? Can you describe what’s wrong with a technician over the phone? Before you can do any of these things, you will need to know what each part does and what it’s called.

Most hand drills look a bit like a futuristic handgun. Because of this, we will be starting this tour from the smoking side – the point where the drilling nail is hooked onto.








In many models, you can also find a dial or a set of numbers etched onto the clutch collar. As a general rule, a lower number means a “lower” gear (and a bit that spins at a slower speed).

Clutch collars can occasionally jam and prevent the drill from working properly.

Gear Selection Switch



The thickest part of your drill is almost always going to be the motor. This will take up the “butt” of the gun.

在許多方麵,電機不需要太大的explanation. This is what powers your drill, and it will usually connect with your power source on the bottom. Yet, when the motor breaks, the chances are that you will need to enlist a professional’s help in order to fix it.

Speed Trigger



LED Light

Some models will emit light whenever they are on. This light most likely comes from a small LED bulb located right next to the trigger or directly on top of it.

The purpose of this light is not to let you know when the drill is in operation (this would be unnecessary, as the noise is hard to miss). Instead, it is meant to help you whenever you are drilling in a dark place. It should point directly towards the chuck and nail.

Rocker Switch

Many models include a smaller rocker switch close to the trigger. This is a safety feature that helps control the chuck. Often, when the chuck doesn’t have an automatic ratchet that locks the nail in, it will have a rocker switch instead.

翻轉它,您會將卡盤固定到特定方向 - 順時針或逆時針方向。這將阻止您意外取出針或在仍鬆散時打開鑽孔。

Grip or Handle


在大多數模型中,用符合人體工程學的線條羅紋或蝕刻手柄,意味著提供安全的握把並實現更精確的運動。此外,許多型號還具有手柄頂部的塑料或橡膠覆蓋物。有些是專門製作出振動或防止出汗的手 - 當您處理快速變化的尖銳物體時可能是危險的



In models with one-piece, rechargeable batteries, you may find a mount instead. This will allow you to plug the hand drill directly onto the power source via a regular plug or AC/DC adapter.


Learning the different parts of your drill will help you troubleshoot it whenever necessary, or at least to ensure that everything is complete and working properly. If your hand drill breaks, and you aren’t able to repair it yourself, this knowledge will help you understand what’s going on whenever the technician orders expensive new replacement parts. This is the kind of knowledge that saves money!
