Room Color Psychology – How Color Affects Your Mood

Let’s explore associations, moods, emotions, and other psychological effects of colors – especially when used in the interiors of our homes.


Vision是人類最占主導地位的意義。我們的腦皮層中三十到四十百分之九十致力於我們的sight。That means that our brains dominantly rely on visual data to interpret reality.

Colors是一個重要的部分。對於我們的祖先,顏色之間的差異可能意味著生死與死亡之間的差異 - 例如在食用或有毒漿果或蘑菇之間識別無害和有毒的蛇之間的方式。顏色幫助他們從夜晚告訴他們,從黎明開始。他們表示改變季節,天氣,水質,一般 - 發出了良好或壞的棲息地。

That is why we developed such a deeppsychological relationship with colors,特別是我們在生活空間內所包圍的顏色。

除了我們的生物學和心理學,我們意圖的方式ct to colors is also rooted in our cultural conditioning. That means our relationship to colors is spontaneous but somewhat complicated.



Coral已被宣布2019年的Pantone顏色。它is a hue that falls between orange and pink. To be more precise, its a pinkish shade of orange. Therefore, when it comes to influencing mood, it brings the best of both worlds – the平靜,粉紅色的舒緩效果那and theexcitement and liveliness of orange,但沒有誇張。珊瑚的粉紅色成分不會讓橙色生動到刺激點,而橙色成分可以防止粉紅色的潛在被動效果。



White is a symbol of純潔,清潔,無罪那and those are the feeling it evokes. In western culture, it is generally associated with善意。Surrounded by many bright, clean surfaces can help you feel uplifted and positive.

As for the visual properties, white is associated withminimalism。此外,它使空格和物體看起來largerthan they are, helping you create a feeling of a vast space when you are actually limited by its size.

如果你打算塗上家的全白色,請小心 - 白色反映了很多光。因為那,它可以tiring for your eyes從長遠來看。



天空和海洋的顏色,藍色is associated with和平,心理清晰度,靈性那andwisdom。它can help yourelax, unwind, contemplate,andmeditate。藍色is acool color,並且它實際上可能會幫助您在外麵熱門時感到刷新。

careful藍色 - 尤其是深藍色的色調 - 如果你傾向於悲傷的心情and apathy. These states are calledthe bluesfor a reason!

This interior shows that blue and中性顏色s是一個很好的比賽。對比的黑白地毯增加了一個驚喜的元素,使得占據深藍色背景的空間更令人興奮和動態。裝飾也是如此。



Yellow是與之相關的顏色太陽那beaches, and many springflowerssuch as dandelions, tulips, and daffodils. No wonder it sparksliveliness, excitement,andpositivity。If we have to pick a color that symbolizes happiness and lust for life, it would be yellow.

如果你覺得你需要額外的stimulationand活力那you could easily enhance it by generously using a light yellow hue on an accent wall or even on all walls. If you are a joyous person, but easily get overexcited, adding just a splash of yellow in the form if decor or other elements might be a better option to avoid taking your enthusiasm too far. Like all strong and/or primary colors, yellow goes perfectly with both dark and light neutrals.

Due to it’s energizing properties, yellow is not an ideal choice for bedroom walls, except if you use a really light shade. Some people find yellow太激烈了and irritating to the eyes or describe it as anxiety-inducing.



黑色的is the color thenight, earth,andshadows。是cause of this, it is associated with darkness, doom, and mourning, often evoking negative emotions, at least in the traditional Western culture.

但是,這並不是所有人都有黑色。當慷慨地用於內部時,黑色可以有一個grounding效果,增加你的intellectual capacities。它makes a space feel smaller, so it can be utilized to make large rooms seem cozier. Also, it is one of the mostelegantcolors and can, therefore, be very aesthetically pleasing.

黑色的文化感知在東部和西方有很多不同。在西方,它與哀悼,悲傷和邪惡有關,在許多東方文化中它是完全不同的。在中國,黑人與青年和年輕男孩,繁榮和健康有關;在日本,朦朧和女性化。簡而言之 - 我們與黑色的關係非常複雜。

Even though black is not all about darkness, if you are prone tobad moodsanddepression那use it only in moderation. Also, never use it as a dominant wall color in small rooms, because it can make you feel claustrophobic.

另外一句話謹慎 - 如果你有一個過於明亮和陽光燦爛的房間,畫它的黑色可能看起來像是一個好主意。然而,它將吸引並保持大量溫暖,因此它可能不是溫暖氣候的好解決方案。

This spacious dark kitchen concept, with a lot of natural light, wooden floor, wooden table and chairs, and lush house plants gives off an earthy atmosphere, rooted in the mystery of the natural world.



愛,激情,浪漫那but alsoanger那and危險- 紅色的象征主義對它有深刻的二元性。但無疑,它是warmest, 最多intense而且最多energizingcolor on the list.

紅色的is known even to have a direct physical effect on humans – itincreases heart rateand breathing rate. Because it’s such a powerful color, you should use it intelligently and in moderation. Too much of it can feel overwhelming, draining, and bring about the aforementioned negative aspects.

You can “tame” red by combining it with a lot of neutral colors.



Olive是一個特別的綠色陰影。雖然是黃綠色– and both green and yellow are considered lively colors – the brownish tint makes olive significantlydullerthan many other shades of green. Because if that, its psychological effect is more that of a中性顏色。它is serious and formal, but not as impersonal and strict as gray.

Olive is also associated with the軍隊那and therefore it can evoke the feeling of紀律



By its pastel nature, pink is acalmingcolor. However, there’s even more to it. Studies show that pink is a pro-social color that enhances和平and和諧in human relationships. The participators of a study reported they were rid of feelings of anger and hostility after spending time in pink rooms.

The only drawback to using pink is that lighter and duller shades can make you feelpassive。有一個軼事,斑點球隊用於繪製他們的競爭對手的儲物櫃粉紅色,使它們在大型遊戲之前疲軟和被動。如果你喜歡粉紅色,但你的能量慢性低,選擇溫暖的粉紅色色調,如coralmight be a better idea.



紫色is a hue that representstenderness, romance,andinnocence。它is the color of some of the most delicate and fragrant flowers – violets, hyacinths, lilacs.

That is why violet is soothing and calming for the mind. Unlike its “cousin” – purple, people consider violet an energizing color. However, a pinkish shade of violet could make you feel passive.



Purple representsluxury, royalty,andwealth。That’s why we see it so nicely paired up with golden in our example – the match seems so natural. Deep purple is also the color of神秘and靈性。看著它感覺soothingandnurturing。它還可以幫助你creati靈感ve endeavors.

The only possible issue with purple is that it can push your behavior in a passive direction. Avoid using passive colors in rooms connected with a lot of activity or decision-making.




However, grey can also feel impersonal, unemotional, and conservative. While it is undoubtedly a grounding color that won’t agitate you, surrounding yourself with too much of it can make you feel lifeless and dull. Luckily, it makes a great background color to make furniture, decoration, and other interior design elements of your favorite color really stand out.



我們的物種演變出來環繞著綠色景觀 - 與健康,富有成效的環境有關。這就是為什麼綠色是最多的顏色賞心悅目。另一個綠色的有趣特征是它都是calmingandenergizing同時 - 並不是那麼每個人都想要感受到?

它is considered ahealing顏色 - 有些研究表明,綠色辦公室內飾的工人遭受較少的胃痛。

The effect of green on mood and behavior will depend on a particular shade. Since green is made from blue and yellow, we can divide it into two categories.淡黃色綠色那like lime green, are very energizing and vibrant.Bluish greensclose to turquoise have a more calming effect. Typical “lawn” green stands in between and brings the best of both worlds.

Culturologically, green is associated withluckandfertility那but additionally withjealousyandenvy。它is also the color connected to Ireland (and Celts in general) and also to Islam.



If we considerliveliness那orange comes right after yellow. It’s the color of sunsets, citrus fruit, many beautiful flowers – all in all, a very life-affirming hue.

Orange radiates with熱情。它energizeslike red, but without aggression and agitation. Also, it is a hue that has a變暖影響。

Orange is also known to boost attention, and grabs attention, making it a popular color in marketing.


Once, I read an interestingstatementthat sounds almost like an old saying: “Colors create the same impressions for different people。” It’s true – many studies found that thousands of people exposed to a certain color will have the same or similar associations connected with it.

所以,當談到顏色時,您可以信任自己的感知。我相信,隻需沉浸在這些圖像中,你就可以感受到每種顏色如何影響你。單詞在這裏隻是為了向您保證,擴大您的觀點,但最重要的是 - 幫助您使用和操作顏色以滿足您的需求並增強您的福祉。讓你true colors shine through


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Steve is the chief editor of Homenish. He has keen eyes on all things interior design and realized that there was a lack of sound and practical knowledge about home decor/interior design. That's motivated him to help others with their home decorating & improvement projects.

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