無自殺地板修補 - 它是什麼以及如何做到

Sandless Floor

A newly refinished floor can beautify any room, but the process tends to get a little messy. Sanding hardwood floors is an expensive and arduous job that most of us would like to avoid. Sandless floor refinishing, however, promises to give us a beautifully clean floor without all the sanding mess. But is it really true? In this article, we’ll delve into howsandless floor refinishingworks, its pros, and cons, as well as instructions on how you can refinish your hardwood floors without sanding.





While the sandless process is somewhat similar to full floor sanding, it’s actually a touch-up rather than a substitute for complete sanding and refinishing.

If your worn floor is looking dull, sandless refinishing can remove the old polish or paint in the quickest possible time. However, this method won’t remove dents, scratches or stains from the floor. Furthermore, it won’t remove the floor’s color, which means you can’t change the floor’s color.

Sandless floor refinishing is a practical way of sprucing up your floor back to its original condition, as long as it is only slightly worn out. By refinishing your floors, you can keep them looking good for longer and increase their lifespan for up to 5 years. Sandless refinishing is especially useful for people who are sensitive to dust and prefer to delay sanding their floors for as long as possible.










For sandless refinishing, the price is much lower at just $1 per square foot due to the process being less labor-intensive.


As you may have realized by now, sandless refinishing is half the price as traditional refinishing. In addition to being cheaper, the procedure is clean and almost dust-free.

This refinishing process is a good option for hardwood floors that are in relatively healthy condition and are only just starting to show signs of wear and tear. By opting for sandless refinishing, you can increase the life and looks of your wooden floors by a further 5 years.

Since sandless refinishing doesn’t remove any wood from the surface of the floor, it is one of the safest and cleanest ways of treating thin and old floorboards without reducing their lifespan.

But just as with everything else, there are also disadvantages to sandless refinishing. The main drawback is the fumes produced by the chemicals used. This is why sandless refinishing isn’t recommended for rooms with poor ventilation. Furthermore, you’ll have to wear a mask before carrying out this task.



How to Refinish Hardwood Floors Without Sanding

Refinish Hardwood Floors Without Sanding


If you have an old and worn out hardwood floor that still has a few years left in it, and you don’t wish to replace it just yet, then sandless refinishing is your only option. While this method won’t remove any deep stains or scratches, it will still help revive the floor and darken its color. For those who want to lighten the color of their floor, sandless refinishing won’t be suitable.

In case your hardwood floor has been sanded excessively and only has a thin layer, you can just remove the outer surface of the boards. If you can still see the cross-section of the board, you shouldn’t attempt to sand it as you will completely destroy the remaining layer of the floorboard.


If you choose to apply a water-based finish, it will dry within a matter of hours. This means your sandless refinishing task can be completed within a day. Keep in mind that the procedure will produce some dust, but it’s negligible compared to how much dust sanding the floor will create.










No, it’s not completely dust-free, but it won’t leave much dust in your home. This low-cost alternative to sanding is a practical choice for quick touch-ups.



無自殺地板修補 - 它是什麼以及如何做到
