30 Different Types of Tools (Power, Hand, Gardening Tools) with Pictures



Power Tools





With a good drill bit set, your drill machine tool can be used in a variety of ways, and there are also a few不同類型的鑽頭您可以選擇專家目的。


There are a huge number of tools that fall under the category of saws, ranging from specialist saws for carpenters to more standard saws for chopping logs in your yard. If you want to get involved in some DIY projects in your home or garden, such as building a deck or creating some shelving, then it’s highly likely you will need a saw. The type of saw you need will be decided by your project, though there are many multi-purpose power saws that can be used in a range of scenarios. While a hand saw is good for small tasks, some of the most popular types of power saw for most of the manual jobs include the following.


A table saw is just that; a saw fixed to a table. Table saws have a circular blade that is attached to an arm fixed on the table, which can be lifted up and down to meet the cutting material. Instead of moving the position of the blade to adjust your cut, with a table saw, you will move the cutting material around the table. Table saws are strong and sturdy and provide you with a bench upon which to work.








Pneumatic Tools

Pneumatic Tools

這些類型的電動工具由壓縮空氣供電。壓縮空氣由AN提供空氣壓縮機, which is the common component all pneumatic tools will feature. These types of power tools tend to be very heavy duty and are commonly used in construction. They are typically more lightweight than electric or battery-powered tools, making them more convenient to use and easier to store. They are also ideal for use in remote locations that may not have access to power, as they don’t need to be plugged into a power source to be operated.

Though air tools are more commonly used in construction and industry, there are many types of small air tools coming onto the market which are designed to be used by homeowners and hobbyists. Common types of pneumatic tools include jackhammers, air sanders, air drills, pneumatic screwdrivers, pneumatic shears, and tire inflation tools.

Click here for different types of pneumatic tools.



Power sanders are a complete game-changer when it comes to sanding and makes this previously laborious and arduous task a breeze. If you find yourself needing to sand down some wood, for example, you want to sand a wooden countertop to bring it back to its former glory, or you need to sand down interior doors before repainting them, then you should definitely invest in a handheld power sander.



Lathe tools

Lathe tools are used with a lathe (shaping machine) to rotate a workpiece on the lathe axis to create the desired shape of different materials. These tools can have different purposes including turning, knurling, facing, parting, and etc. They are used in woodworking, glass working, metal spinning, and metalworking.

Check out this article on thetypes of lathe tools


Hand Tools



This common hand tool is primarily used for hitting nails into different surfaces. Hammers can be made from a range of different materials, but traditionally they would have wooden handles with a solid metal head. There are many different types of hammers, which can vary in size and shape. Often a hammer will have a different tool on the back of the head to make it multi-purpose, allowing the hammer to also be used to dismantle furniture or remove nails.





軸已經存在了很長時間,事實上, are one of the oldest types of tools used by man. These have been used throughout history for various purposes, including felling trees and slaughtering animals for food. Today axes are most commonly used by homeowners for chopping logs, which are used for firewood. If you have felled your own trees, you will need an ax to chop logs or to segment logs down into smaller pieces for kindling.

有很多不同types of axes with various blade shapes, and the shape of the blade can make a huge difference to the way the ax should be used, so you’ll need to do your research when choosing an ax to be sure the one you buy is fit for your intended purpose.



This hand tool is used to grip and hold objects, as well as bending and manipulating materials. Pliers can be used in such a wide range of jobs that it’s no surprise that they are one of the most common tools used both around the home and garden and also in construction work. Pliers come in various different shapes and sizes, with additional features such as the ability to lock in place. There are three main types of pliers, and these are adjustable pliers, non-adjustable pliers, and lockable pliers.

Learn more about different types of pliers here.




We put together a list of many types of wrenches here.






We put together different types of chisels here.




這些basic tools use a long metal tape with measurements marked out all along them, which can be pulled out and retracted. Other measuring tools you might need in your tool kit include a square, a compass, a level, or calipers. When you are working on a project, it’s always best to measure twice to be double sure of measurements as this will prevent any wastage and mistakes further down the line.



When you think of tools, ladders might not be something that springs to mind as they aren’t a tool in the sense that you can hold them and use them in a targeted way on a material, however many home projects would be impossible without a set of ladders. Ladders are useful when working on the outside of your home, for example, to clear our guttering, paint siding, clean windows, or repair roofing. They are also useful inside the home, for painting ceilings or working on light fittings.

使用梯子時,總是確保它們securely fixed in place, or for added security, you should work in pairs when using ladders so that one person can hold the ladders steady while the other person climbs up them. When you are finished using ladders, always put them away in a safe and secure place, and never leave them outside as this can pose a danger. Leaving a ladder in your garden can encourage thieves to try to enter your property via upstairs windows, or children might be tempted to climb the ladder and risk injuring themselves.

Click Here For Our Guide to Different Types of Ladders


Types of Clamps








螺釘配有各種頭部形狀(圓形,平方,平,桁架,類型)和用途(木材,機器,螺紋,金屬等螺絲)。使用手動或供電螺絲刀,人們可以輕鬆安裝或從對象上安裝或卸下螺釘。了解更多關於的信息types of screws在您決定使用家庭項目的螺釘之前。


Types of Drywall Anchors

Drywall anchors are the heavy-duty hardware that helps you hang items on your幹牆(石膏板,白板,藍板,類型-X等)。輸入任何硬件商店或在線搜索幹牆錨,您將在那裏出現這麼多的選擇震驚。以下是我們的文章解釋了他們的一切 -Types of Drywall Anchors


Gardening Tools



This is a common garden tool that is designed for digging. Unlike a shovel, a spade has a sharpened edge on its blade that makes it ideal for cutting into soil or lawns. Spades can come in various shapes and sizes, but in general, they will have a long wooden handle and a flat or slightly curved metal blade.












其他修剪工具你可以找到包括修剪aws, pole loppers, grass shears, topiary shears, and anvil pruners.




Most people own a leaf rake, which is designed to drag leaves across a lawn to form a pile of leaves that can easily be gathered up and put into a bag for disposal or added to the compost pile. A good rake will be designed in such a way that it is able to perform its task without damaging the lawn underneath.

Though many people will begin to rake leaves at the end of fall or the beginning of winter, this is actually not a recommended practice. Fallen leaves, though they may look a little messy, provide an important home and shelter for many small animals, and raking up these leaves can disturb them. Fallen leaves also add nutrients to your soil and help it to prepare itself for growth in the following spring, so you can be doing your yard a disservice by raking leaves too early. If possible, put off raking until spring.




A garden hoe is primarily used for digging up weeds and mixing soil, though there are various types of hoes that can be utilized for specific garden tasks. The basic garden hoe has a paddle shape and is accordingly sometimes known as a paddle hoe or draw hoe. These hoes can come in a variety of sizes but most commonly will have a head that measures around six inches by four inches.

The head will be at a 90-degree angle to the handle, which can be wooden or plastic. This handheld hoe is a good hoe to start with if you haven’t used one before and is a good multi-purpose hoe. It can be used to dislodge weeds and to stir up soil or create mounds of soil. It can be used in various ways, including in a chopping motion to disturb weed roots.

A more specialized type of hoe is a stirrup hoe, which is shaped just like the stirrup from a horse-riding saddle. You can use this hoe in a back and forth motion, which makes it great for dislodging stubborn weeds with tough root systems. Another type of specialized hoe is the onion hoe, which has a long and thin rectangular blade. This is useful for working in tight spaces or making more precise movements so as not to disturb nearby plant roots.




Trowels come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. They can have pointed blades, flat, or curved blades. They might have sharpened edges to aid in digging or blunt edges. Garden trowel blades are predominantly made from metal, though some may be plastic. Oftentimes they can be coated in material for decorative purposes or to prevent rust and help them last longer.

When it comes to choosing a garden trowel, you’ll be faced with a range of sizes. Trowels usually vary from one to five inches across, and the size you will need depends on the task at hand. For working on small plants or in small planters, a slenderer trowel will help you to be more precise and avoid causing damage to roots, while a slightly larger trowel will be useful when digging a hole for a small shrub.

If you are a keen gardener, it would be wise to keep a selection of different types of trowels in your garage so that you have something suitable for any garden job. After using a trowel, you should always sanitize the blade because these frequently used tools can easily spread diseases between plants. Store your trowels properly in a dry environment to ensure they last longer.



Garden tillers are hand tools that are used to break up the soil, helping to aerate it and create an environment more conducive to plant growth. Tillers can also be used to break up weeds and mix compost into the soil. A garden tiller will typically have a long handle and a selection of short tines at the base, which are angled.


You can also amend your soil with sand, compost, or organic materials to help improve its quality, and you can use a garden tiller to mix in these additional components and ensure they are evenly dispersed throughout the soil. Doing this before planting will give the new plants a better chance of survival and help them to thrive.




If you have a lawn, then you will undoubtedly require a mower to keep the lawn trimmed and looking neat. There are many different types of lawnmowers, including push mowers, electric mowers, gas mowers, and ride-on mowers. Your choice of mower will largely depend on the size of your garden but can also be affected by budget because mowers can vary enormously in price.




String trimmers, also known as weed whackers or whipper snippers, are used to trim the edges of lawns as well as cutting back weeds. These are ideal for trimming back the grass in hard to reach areas that a lawnmower cannot access, for example, around the base of a tree, near a boulder, or in a tight corner.












Tile Removal Tools

Tile Removal Tools

在您家中刪除瓷磚並不容易。如果你不能雇用管道技術員或勤雜工,那麼你可以自己做好事。這是我們的建議types of tile removal toolsyou can do for the job.



As foam has a versatile use in lots of home projects such as window treatment, mattress, costumes, learning how to work with foam using a cutting tool is an interesting job as a DIY home enthusiast. Look further in our article to discover the foam cutting types and their uses.




If the paint from your wall, ceiling, or furniture has already worn off or fainted, it’s time to give it a whole new look. The first step you should do is remove the old paint. There are many important tips you should learn about it and choose the right tools for paint removal.

Click here for the types of paint removal tools here.

畫ing Tools

After removing the paints, any DIY homeowners would love to choose their favorite paint colors and do their own painting job – this should be done with a set of necessary painting tools.

That’s why we put together many different types of painting tools here.

Brick Laying Tools

Types of Bricklaying Tools


Here is an in-depth guide on types of brick laying tools.


If you do not want to hire an expert for cabinet installation or fix, you can surely do it yourself.

Here are some great tools needed –18 Different Types of Cabinet Making Tools

28 Different Types of Tools (Power, Hand, Gardening Tools) with Pictures
