
Walk-in Pantry Dimensions


In old homes, pantries were built to be tucked away behind the kitchen. Their sole purpose was to store dry grains while being out of sight, so no one ever paid any special attention to these rooms. However, in recent times, homeowners have begun to take great pride in designing and showing off their pantries.

A modern pantry ensures that the kitchen remains uncluttered as the pantry provides centralized storage for all food items. A walk-in pantry ensures all ingredients stay in a separate room than the kitchen, keeping the space in the kitchen clutter-free at all times. This creates some additional space for you to store your kitchenware. It also provides additional counter space. The benefits of this cannot be underestimated.


What are Walk-In Pantry Dimensions?


對於攜帶的食品室,您必須在儲存區域和貨架之間留下足夠的清晰空間,以便任何人都可以在沒有大量壓力的情況下進出空間。如果你想一次為一個人擁有足夠的空間,那麼測量暢通無阻的走道36 inches;however, if you want the space to take up to two people at the same time, then measure it to be42-48 inches.

The dimensions you measure out for your pantry should be determined by how many people you think would be using the kitchen at the same time. For instance, if you’re building a house that’s going to be occupied by just one person, then you could use the食品室的36英寸測量;但是,如果有機會會有更多的人,請使用較大的維度。輪椅用戶需要一個有空間的儲藏室at least 60 inches to guarantee their access.

食品室的深度擱置理想的措施14 -16 inches. Any shelve that extends deeper than this makes it difficult for anyone to pick up items at the back of the shelves. For a shelf to measure14-16 inches, the depth or width of the pantry has to be anywherefrom 64-74 inches. This is necessary if you are going to be installing shelves on the opposite sides of the pantry walls. Wheelchair users will need a pantry depth of 88 inches.

It is advised that you place the shelves closer to eye level so that all items on the shelves are easier to see and reach. If, for any reason, your shelves are out of eye level, and then make sure that they不要比14英寸更深.

If there are shelves that are even higher than this, then measure them to be12 inches and 10 inches respectfully, never measure shelves to measure less than 10 inches, except the shelves are dedicated solely to the storage of small items such as spices, cans, and other tiny bottles. In such cases, the shelvesmay be 6-inches deep.

When you are building pantry shelves, ensure that you keep the vertical spaces between two shelves as small as you possibly can. On the other hand, if you are building shelves to hold big objects, then try to keep the shelves 16-18 inches apart from each other. Finally, if your shelves are for general storage, keep them 12-14 inches apart.

Types of Walk-in Pantries

You can find below our design and some suggested dimensions for various types of walk-in pantries, including U-shaped pantry, regular pantry, corner walk-in pantry.

Typical Walk-in Pantry Types




You can arrange everything in your pantry so well that you can easily reach and pull any item of your choice without having to get any other items out of the way, and you can put items back exactly where you took them out from without having to rearrange anything in the end.

Pantries bring great convenience to the kitchen

Pantries bring great convenience to the kitchen

Most pantries are located inside the kitchen or at least very close to the kitchen. This means you can enjoy the double benefit of having a kitchen that’s not often cluttered with foodstuff and unnecessary cookware while also having your foodstuff and cookware an arm’s length away.



Rules for Storing Items in a Walk-in Pantry

Following a few hard and fast rules can make your life considerably easier when it comes to using your pantry.


However, to make things a lot easier for anyone using the pantry, aim for immediate visibility. Arrange items on the shelves so that nothing needs to be moved out of the way to reach something else. Every item should be placed in one clear straight line.
