15 Creative Ideas for Wall Decor Above Couch

So you’ve been staring at your blank wall above the長椅for hours and wondering how to decorate it. This blank canvas is just waiting to be spruced up with your creativity! You can make this empty space look as simple or dramatic as you like by choosing the right items to hang from it. Whatever you do, remember to keep the area cohesive and balanced. After all, you want to draw the eye towards the wall decor so it’s important to choose the decorative items carefully. To help you decide on the best沙發上麵的牆壁裝飾, I’ve compiled 15 ideas with pictures to turn those bare walls into elegant centerpieces. Keep reading to find out.


Two Framed Prints

放置two large framed prints在沙發上方將焦點從家具轉向它上方的牆上。但請務必使用較小的物品提供剩下的客廳,如這裏所示,以便為空間提供凝聚力。墊子形式的強色的混合將補充中性裝飾,並且牆壁上的大型框架打印的布置應比畫廊牆更簡化。


A Large Artwork or Painting

Hanging a大piece of artwork or painting將使牆壁空間感覺更簡單。而不是有幾張匹配的圖片,選擇一個單件。無論沙發上方的牆壁上的顏色是什麼,大規模的繪畫或藝術品都會做訣竅。例如,用米色沙發對黑暗口音牆,很容易融合一幅大型繪畫,讓小型客廳流行。在這個房間裏,深藍色牆上的單曲藝術品已經給了起居室一個拋光的感覺。如果你喜歡在沙發上方更雜亂而更簡單的牆麵裝飾,那麼這就是你應該去的樣子;在口氣牆的中間隻是一件藝術。而已!

3. Create a Gallery Wall

Create a Gallery Wall

For larger living rooms, one piece of art just isn’t enough. In fact, it can even look lost among other furnishings. But worry not as a畫廊牆壁可以拯救一天。使用畫廊牆,您可以像你喜歡的那樣創造性或戲劇性。請記住,您選擇的所有物品都必須以和諧擔任一個和同步。例如,如果你喜歡植物的所有東西,那麼考慮顯示一個框架植物的畫廊。你的畫廊牆必須是起居室的主導特征,使其是繪製眼睛的第一件事。最好規劃你在懸掛在沙發上方的牆壁上之前,通過將它們安排在地板上,您將如何顯示打印。在這裏,框架的框架印跡以牆壁上的植物和昆蟲為主,已成為這間客廳的主要焦點。


Hang a Handmade Textile

當談到沙發上方的中性牆上更複雜和經典的裝飾技巧時,請考慮掛手工製作的紡織品,如正宗的摩洛哥地毯,一個老式的掛毯,刺繡麵料,或macrameas shown here. The unique fabric above the sofa has created a layered look in the neutral living room. And if you want to go one step further and make it look even more bohemian, choose colorful tapestries with floral patterns for an equally captivating decor idea.

5. Have a Display of Plates

Have a Display of Plates

展示美麗china plates是另一個優雅的牆壁裝飾的想法在沙發之上。This is one decorating trick that has stood the test of time. Go for one set of dishes with intricate details and stunning colors. When arranging the plates above the sofa, start at eye level and work your way upward.


Go Big with Stylish Wallpaper

A large wall space above the sofa wouldn’t look complete without anelaborate wallpaper突出它。要使它盡可能大膽,請使用靠墊匹配壁紙的圖案和顏色,如圖所示。了解黑白的混合物如何完美地與沙發上方的口音牆完美。

7. Floating Shelves for Storage


In smaller living rooms, storage is of utmost importance. Shelving above the sofa is a great way of displaying your trinkets and other accessories.浮架有吸引力的括號可以在現代客廳裏做出奇跡,特別是如果他們是顏色協調,可以像在這張照片中一樣與房間的其他房間相匹配。

8. Hang a Sculpture

Hang a Sculpture

有趣的sculpturesmake stunning wall decor. With an array of options available, you’ll be spoiled for choice when it comes to choosing a traditional piece of sculptured art on your wall. Whether you go for wooden or metal sculptures, make sure you choose pieces that have a lot of depth so they bring out the wall space over the sofa.



掛在沙發上方的空間上的一係列印刷品是創造和諧的絕佳方式。如此,沙發的顏色應該補充打印的顏色。看看綠色的木製沙發如何與之融合小框架熱帶葉子在牆上. The use of plants on the wall space has livened up the room and added natural texture to the dark wall. In such expansive spaces, it makes sense to experiment with different color palettes that reflect the same theme, such as greenery.



Wooden shelving units在沙發上方的空間中走了很長的路要走。這些貨架不僅在牆上提供額外的存儲空間,但它們也很好地填補空的空間。隻需使用兩個低位架子並將所有裝飾物品放在它們上,您可以產生很大的影響。選擇匹配靠墊的大膽顏色混合,如此稿所示。看看空間如何在架子的幫助下發亮,而不會壓倒沙發。

11. An Assortment of Colorful Books


如果你有很多colorful bookssitting around on your desk or under your bed, why not pull them out and place them on the wall above the sofa! Displaying your books on shelves behind the sofa will naturally create interest and encourage you or your family to read. Arrange the books however you like and use as many as you wish.



When it comes to giving a sense of order to the wall space,symmetryplays an important part. For those who love a serene look, creating a symmetrical room will provide a calming effect as it doesn’t distract the eye to what’s going on in the rest of the room. A grid of identical prints above the sofa is a great way to fill the bare space, but it also provides a symmetrical focal point as seen here.

13. Large Wall Clock



14. A Statement Mirror

A Statement Mirror

沒有必要感到被沙發上方的空的空間嚇倒,因為它是如此膨脹。把它作為一個戲劇性的好機會,如戲劇性statement mirror. This is a glamorous feature that will turn heads so choose a mirror that will wow you. In this room, a sun shaped mirror draws the focus to the wall and brings in additional light. You don’t need to pair the mirror with any other decorative item as long as it matches the rest of your room’s decor. Having said that, you can add more variety to the wall space by hanging a macrame next to the mirror.

15. Map of the World

Map of the World

展示您前往您前往沙發上方的牆壁空間的所有國家世界地圖. Maps are an excellent way to add some history to a living room. Maps come in all sizes and themes; they can be colorful, vintage, nautical, new, black and white…and the list goes on. You can easily find maps of the world in vintage stores, flea markets, or even in old atlases.

15 Creative Ideas for Wall Decor Above Couch
