What to Pair with a Chesterfield Sofa

What to Pair with a Chesterfield Sofa

A Chesterfield sofa is a very popular type of couch, which can work well with such a wide variety of interior decor styles, from traditional, to mid-century modern, right through to contemporary and rustic.

These sofas have been in fashion for a long time, and they show no sign of going anywhere fast. They represent a great investment for this very reason because they are so versatile in the way they can be styled to suit any space.

如果你有一個切斯特菲爾德沙發,你可能會想知道其他什麼pieces of furniture或配對它的配件。這將在很大程度上取決於您想要去的外觀類型,並且在創建時尚的裝飾方麵沒有缺點沙發的類型



  • Use a Large Coffee Table
  • 使用對比墊
  • 領帶匹配地毯
  • A matching chair for a traditional look and a contrasting chair for a modern style.

What is a Chesterfield Sofa?

What is a Chesterfield Sofa?


This is a classic sofa that has a long history going back several centuries, and yet it is still the epitome of style today, proving that some pieces really never do go out of fashion.


The Chesterfield Sofa has English origins, where it actually started out as a chair. In the early 1700s, a wealthy writer and politician named Lord Philip Stanhope, the Fourth Earl of Chesterfield, commissioned a chair by a local craftsman.

He stipulated that the chair must be suitable for a gentleman to sit upon it without his suit suffering from creases.


Dayrolles was also a respected member of society, being a popular diplomat, and people began to make requests to other craftsmen that reproductions of the chair be made. At this point in history, the reach of the British Empire was quite impressive, and the fashions of the British were emulated all over the globe.

The arrival of the Victorian era heralded the movement of combining style with comfort. It was during this period that the Chesterfield chair was given an overhaul and transformed into a more comfortable sofa.


What to Pair with a Chesterfield Sofa

A Chesterfield sofa has a very specific look, and most often, it will be the centerpiece of a space. This means that we need to find ways to style it that will complement the look of the Chesterfield without detracting from it.

The type of interior style you want to achieve is going to affect what type of accessories and other furniture items you pair with your Chesterfield. Here we will look at some simple recommendations to follow that will work in a variety of interior design styles.

Use a Large Coffee Table

Use a Large Coffee Table

當選擇一個咖啡桌對切sterfield sofa, size really does matter. As Chesterfields are quite bulky, dominant pieces of furniture, you will need to balance this out with an oversized coffee table.

保持咖啡桌的高度low so that it does not detract from the Chesterfield or start to look like a dining table. A large coffee table will level out the room and ensure that a Chesterfield sofa doesn’t stick out as the chunkiest piece of furniture in the space.



A Chesterfield sofa typically has a very classic look, and this will especially be the case if your Chesterfield is upholstered in leather or in a neutral-colored fabric. To bring the Chesterfield to life and ensure it doesn’t look dated, choose a range of contrasting cushions to display along the seats of the sofa.





If you have inherited a much-loved family heirloom Chesterfield, which you want to keep, but you also don’t want to base your entire interior decor style and color scheme around it, you will need to find a way to make it feel like it fits in the space.




The rest of the colors in your room will not need to match the sofa or the rug, though they should be complimentary. By using this trick, you can incorporate your Chesterfield into any內飾風格的類型or colored room.

Should Your Chair Match Your Chesterfield Sofa?

The quick answer to this is that it can match your sofa, but it doesn’t have to. An accent chair can be exactly that; an accent to the rest of the room, including the sofa.



如果您有皮革切斯特菲爾德沙發中性顏色, such as tan, contrast this with a velvet accent chair in a bold pop of color such as teal. While the chair doesn’t need to match your Chesterfield sofa, it should complement it.
